Yesterday we had the ride of a lifetime! Because the weather forecast was poor we postponed our trip to the Barrier Reef and instead Michael thought it a good idea to try White Water Rafting. What an experience, it was wonderful. We won't have photos 'til we pick up the "professional's" tomorrow.
We got togged up in lifejacket and helmet and after a briefing on the safety rules off we went. There were 7 of us and our guide. The Barron River is a grade 3, 1 being easy and 5 being very serious. We thought that the rapids were looking very serious indeed. At one point early on Betty May nearly took a tumble and that seemed quite funny as the guide dived over and hauled her upright.
However,at the base of the next rapid, which had a 2.5metre drop, over and out I went. My nose made contact with the bottom of the raft, that would be the underside of the bottom! When I popped up again all I could think of was what the guide said at the safety briefing and that was to "lie on your back looking at your feet" because that kept your feet and you from being trapped in rocks. I was never so happy to see my size 6.5s. The guide threw a rope and then hauled me in by my lapels. Not a pretty sight, the fact that by then I had a fit of the giggles at my predicatment didn't make things easier.
When we reached the flat calm part of the river, which is where we swam the other day we all jumped off the craft for a swim.
If we don't have to censor the photos we will post them as soon as we receive them.
Thanks to Michael for a great idea.
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